Thursday 10 July 2014

Shavuos, Gays and Rabbi Glasman

Only a few weeks ago we celebrated the Yom Tov of Shavuos, יום מתן תורתנו. The same Torah about which the Rambam declares in his famous י"ג עיקרי האמונה, and which we recite every day,

אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שזאת התורה לא תהא מוחלפת ולא תהא תורה אחרת מאת הבורא יתברך שמו

Imagine our surprise, however, when Rabbi Glasman, Chief Minister at the St Kilda Hebrew Congregation, and Vice President of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria was part of a ‘Shavuot Night’ Panel on gays and Judaism.

One of his comments in particular was most concerning:
Rabbi Yaakov Glasman, the Vice President of Orthodox Rabbis Australia, talked of his practice of offering Aliyot to the Torah to gay people, and of his fervent defence of this practice when challenged by congregants who are less tolerant of diversity. He highlighted his inability to reconcile God’s love for His people, with the plight of Jewish gay people who are forbidden by the Torah from acting on their biological inclinations. When pushed, however, he conceded that it is often said that “where there is a Rabbinic will, there is a Halachic way”, and that he could not rule out the possibility that in the future rabbinic leaders might find a way to overcome the problem of such prohibitions, whilst still maintaining the paramount integrity of the Torah as they see it.

This is the antithesis of Torah Judaism.

Rabbi Glasman should  retract his remarks and state unequivocally that homosexual practices are against the Torah and Halacha and that this will never change to suit the ‘temper of the times’.

 Rabbi Yaakov Glasman (Photo: 

As a staunch Lubavitcher chassid, Rabbi Glasman should have quoted the previous late Lubavitcher Rebbe OBM 1:

At this point let us turn our attention to a phenomenon affecting some of our society, the problem of individuals who express an inclination towards a particular form of physical relationship in which the libidinal gratification is sought with members of one's own gender.

In the democratic society in which we live the question of how to deal with this deviation has been plaguing some citizens as well as some communal or political leaders.

The first criterion that must be invoked in finding a solution to this problem is not to call for an airing of political arguments and then to call for a consensus, but, to evaluate whether this practice is helpful or destructive, and to act accordingly, to correct and remedy the negative.

Empirical truth has shown us that this form of abnormal relationships has been totally negative.

1) In a normal relationship the results that follow bring forth children and create a new generation, which goes on to bring future generations, to the end of time. The abnormal trait brings no positive results and no offspring.

2) This trait is self-debilitating, it causes a dissipation of the strength of the individuals involved; it is purely selfish and no one else receives anything from it.

3) Another very important reality; the individuals who practice this form of relationship are filled with the self-abnegating feeling of being strange and queer; they feel that they are doing an abnormal act. Both in the case of men who have these relations, and in the case of women, they know that this tendency is not normal. They look at the world around them and they know that their practice is abnormal.

Except for a very few "orders" where this deviation is practiced, the whole world conducts itself in a normal way. Besides, both parties involved in this said relationship know that it was only the normal form of family relationship that brought them into the world!

4) Also important: Those who feel that this form of conduct is permissible and they continue to practice this deviation, will in the end see that it brings to excessive, abnormal weakness, and to the most horrible diseases and maladies, as we are presently beginning to discover.

When one knows the truth, that this trait is destructive, and is honest enough to acknowledge this fact, one will realize that it is no different from a child who is born with the tendency to tear out his hair, or bang his head against the wall. But there is a very tragic difference in that this trait when practiced is very much more devastating because it destroys, destroys the body and the soul.

There are those who argue that an act that brings pleasure and gratification is, or even must be good. This rationalization is analogical to taking a deathly poison and coating it with sugar. Along comes someone and says, "I see sugar, there is no poison in this sugar pill." To prove his words, he tastes it and swears it is sweet! Someone else may come along and say, "I don't care if there is poison in the sugar, so long as I can enjoy the momentary pleasure of the sweetness, albeit in an abnormal fashion, I don't care what the consequences will be!"

Certainly, they themselves will eventually very strongly complain against those who misled them, and also against those who saw what was going on and did not do all that was possible for them to do, to prevent it from happening.

It makes no real difference what causes an individual to presently choose this form of relationship. Even one who was born with this inclination, and was not educated in his youth to correct it (no matter who is to blame) and is now an adult, must also be motivated to educate him/herself, now; for it is still just as destructive, it is still just as abnormal, etc.

An important point to stress is that there is no insult intended and no derogatory attitude is suggested; it is a case of healing a malady. When a person is ill and someone volunteers to help him get well, there is no disrespect involved, not at all!

At the same time, we must keep in mind that the vehement and vociferous arguments presented by a patient, that he is really well and that his condition is a healthy instinct -- or as least not destructive, do not change the severity of the "ailment." In fact, this attitude on the part of this individual indicates how serious his malady really is for this person, how deeply it has penetrated into his body and psyche, and how perilous for him it really is. And so, special action must be undertaken to heal the person and save his life. And again, there is no insult at all, no disrespect involved, only a true desire to really help.

If he claims that he was born with this nature, this is indeed all the more reason to reassure him that no disparagement was meant, for it is no different from the case of one who was born with the tendency to bang his head against the wall. Do we shame that unfortunate one?! Nevertheless, everything must be done to remedy the situation.

And dubbing the deviation with some Greek term or, calling it an "alternative lifestyle" will not in the least influence the seriousness of the problem.

The question must be answered: Does this type of relationship contribute to human civilization? Does it, at least, benefit the individual? Is it truly satisfying after the act? Or, does it only provide momentary gratification? And furthermore -- this point should be carefully pursued: Are all his/her protestations about the "great pleasure" and "satisfaction" derived from this relationship really true? Or, has he/she just been saying this for so long that now he/she is not willing, or is ashamed, to admit that he/she is wrong!

In G-d's world of goodness and justice, when one comes to purify and be purified, he is assisted from Above. Despite the misguided way of the past, everyone has the capacity to change. People who open their eyes and realize their error, will at the end voluntarily accept the truth.

All civilized society accepts the said tendency as a perversion, and although in the past there were pagan tribes and "orders" which included these practices in their idolatrous rituals, history has shown that their memory is lost and their customs have vanished!

And finally, Rabbi Glasman, please take note:
A special responsibility lies on the parents, educators and counselors to educate those afflicted with this problem, their duty is not to "spare the rod," and at the same time, to take a loving, and caring attitude by extending a helping hand. 

1 Sichah by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Purim 5746

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Does Isaac Balbin hate Rabbi Beck?

Isaac Balbin has it in for Rabbi Beck.

In a number of Balbin's anti-chareidi posts - of which there are many -  he often finds a way to include Rabbi Beck, the world-renowned leader of the Adass Israel community.


Here's the latest:

Regarding the comments of the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Joel about the parents of the 3 boys that were kidnapped and murdered by  Palestinian terrorists:

"Will Adass Israel, that has many Aharoni Satmar adherents, come out and disassociate themselves from this outrage? What of Rabbi Beck and others?"

What Adass Israel and especially Rabbi Beck have to do with a Rebbe in New York escapes us.

We have lots of theories, no answers.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Anti-Chareidi Bias

The focus of this blog will be to  stamp out anti-Chareidi bias in Australian Jewish media and blogs, pointing out lies, fabrications, bias, hatred and general ignorance.

More to follow.