Tuesday 8 July 2014

Does Isaac Balbin hate Rabbi Beck?

Isaac Balbin has it in for Rabbi Beck.

In a number of Balbin's anti-chareidi posts - of which there are many -  he often finds a way to include Rabbi Beck, the world-renowned leader of the Adass Israel community.

 Photo: pitputim.wordpress.com

Here's the latest:

Regarding the comments of the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Joel about the parents of the 3 boys that were kidnapped and murdered by  Palestinian terrorists:

"Will Adass Israel, that has many Aharoni Satmar adherents, come out and disassociate themselves from this outrage? What of Rabbi Beck and others?"

What Adass Israel and especially Rabbi Beck have to do with a Rebbe in New York escapes us.

We have lots of theories, no answers.


  1. Well asked......

  2. balbin has a problem with any thing chareidi

  3. Kol Hakavod to you8 July 2014 at 15:39

    About time there was such a blog. Actually Balbin deserves a blog on his own. He peddles so much hatred and abuse that it is about time someone responded.

    And to my Chareidi friends, Balbin is 'loved' as much by the non-Charedi community - as in yours. A provocotive nastiness surrounds him.

  4. Balbin haMalbin...8 July 2014 at 21:33

    How many times have I thought about Isaac and the maamar chazal in Pirkei Avos as quoted on the Halacha Yomit blog of Divrei Torah of Maran Ovadia Yosef zt'l:

    שנינו בפרקי אבות (פ"ב מט"ו), והוי מתחמם כנגד אורם של חכמים, והוי זהיר בגחלתם שלא תכוה, (לשון כויה מאש), שנשיכתן נשיכת שועל ועקיצתן עקיצת עקרב, ולחישתן לחישת שרף, וכל דבריהם כגחלי אש. והיינו שיזהר אדם הרבה מאד בכבודם של תלמידי חכמים, שכן אם יפגע בכבודם עלול הוא ביותר להענש על כך בצורה קשה.

    Isaac , Rav Beck is atrue tzaddik who would hurt a fly. But the Torah defends its scholars
    You are playing with fire and the sooner you apologise to the Rav the healthier it will be for you and yours.

    Believe me, it isn't worth the risk.

    That of course is all besides the issurim of lashan hara, honaas devarim and bizui talmidei chachamim

  5. Balbin Hamalbin8 July 2014 at 23:23

    The above comment should, of course, read:

    Isaac , Rav Beck is a true tzaddik who would NOT hurt a fly. But the Torah defends its scholars
    You are playing with fire and the sooner you apologise to the Rav the healthier it will be for you and yours.

  6. Mr.Balbin does not like adass because in adass they do not use his band,if adass people would use him, i am sure he would not have a problem with adass


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